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recruitment Steel industry

Recruitment in the Steel industry

For recruitment in the steel industry Human Forza Group (HFG) is the right choice. In our organisation we have extensive, specialised knowledge and experience at our disposal in the field of recruitment for vacancies within the steel industry.

Recruitment for ánd by professionals in the steel industry

ecruitment of steel professionals by our organisation is also performed bý steel professionals, with a proven trackrecord in the field of recruitment. We believe that both those fields of experience are necessary to be able to deliver professional and quality results throughout the specific recruitment process in the steel industry.

Based on their specific knowledge and experience in the steel industry our recruitment consultants are able to select the right candidate for every position in the steel industry. Therefore personal interviews with candidates are essential in our recruitment process, resulting in clear reports with regard to the specific skills, experience and the motivation of professionals in the steel industry.

Why choose HFG for recruitment within the steel industry ?

  • Our recruitment consultants know the steel industry;
  • Throughout our recruitment process you have one professional business contact;
  • With us you only pay for results (no cure, no pay);
  • We work with meticulous and transparant recruitment procedures;
  • Our recruitment consultants for the steel industry gladly are a sparring partner for you;
  • Our customers in the steel industry know us as reliable, focussed on quality and professional;
  • Our recruitment process is based on ´Recruitment 2.0` at which professional use is made of the Social Media.

For more information about our recruitment activities in the steel industry, contact Mrs. Y.P.W. (Yvonne) Verbeek

For recruitment in the Steel industry... HFG !


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Gezien onze opdrachtenportefeuille verwachten wij minimaal hbo-niveau en 3 jaar werkervaring.


Ons team

H. (Hans) Kortland
Branche Manager

M.E. (Marco) de Vrijer, MBA
Branche Manager
Petrochemie & Terminals
Logistieke dienstverlening
Energie, Water, Milieu & Afval
Marine & Offshore
Zorg, werk, inkomen en onderwijs
Non Profit 

Branche Manager
Productiebedrijven en
machine- & apparatenbouw


Human Forza Group bv
Stockholm 2
2993 LM Barendrecht

Telefoon: 0180 - 557 676
Fax: 0180 - 629 962

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